Friday, March 29, 2013

Zou's FIRST birthday!

Today was my handsome Zou baby's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! I had to work for a couple hours this morning, so my mom was SOOO awesome enough to leave her own job and meet us at her house! I dropped him off to spend the morning playing with Grandma and her pups! He seriously runs around her house and jumps on/off her furniture like it's a freakin jungle gym!! (He DOES NOT do this at his own home.) 

When I was finished with work I met my family for some lunch and then we headed back to my moms to rescue him from the WAY TOO TINY kennel he was crammed in. We then decided to stay a little longer and let him get some more energy out! 

Normally when we leave Grandmas and head back home, he instantly crashed and takes a nice little nap on the 25 minute drive. However today, I think he knew it was his birthday and he didn't want to sleep any of the day away. He fought the nap he so badly wanted to take. 

When we got home, I helped JJ doing a little cleaning and let Zou spend some time chewing on his new rawhide he got from Grandma. Then when the house was clean, we took off to the park! Little guy got to go for a long walk (by walk I mean eagerly smell everything in/around his path.) and enjoy the beautiful weather we had today!! After we left the park and made it back home, the SLEEPY little guy finally took a nap! So mom and dad headed out to Nebraska Furniture Mart to walk around and spend some time together! :) 

Basically, Zou's birthday was the best day ever!! :) I love this little boy so much!! 


On our way to Grandmas this morning! 

He kicked me out of my chair so I left all the unanswered emails to him. ;)

Zoubie snuggles are by far the greatest! <3


One morning I really felt the need to put a t-shirt on him.. I seriously don't even think he noticed! 

One of the instant naps on our way home from Grandmas.

He is SO curious! Whether I am brushing my teeth, doing my hair, or putting make up on.. He is up on the counter checking it out. (Or trying to steal my thing.) :)

I died when I looked over one night to see him sleeping with his tongue sticking out! lol

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3